Taking a state-of-the-art facility from concept to market in just over two years.
The pandemic might be winding down in Austria, but efforts by one biotech player to expand production of key protein- and DNA-based ingredients for tomorrow’s drugs are moving into high gear. In just 25 months from initial concept development, Biomay has started up its new, state-of-the-art CDMO plant in Vienna. Thanks to all engineering partners, and the innovative design of the 4,000 m2 high-tech facility, Biomay now operates a flexible manufacturing platform for a wide range of bioproducts of virtually any batch size.

“Every day, when I walk into this building, I feel so proud to see how we are scaling up and making a difference for so many people – enabling innovative and truly life-saving medicines for our customers’ patients all over the world,” says Dr. Hans Huber, Chief Executive Officer at Biomay. “With our new facility, we can massively increase production volume while responding much faster to changing market demands – so we can make an even bigger impact.”
“Life-saving medicine” is certainly no exaggeration. In 2021, for example, the company announced its partnership with BioNTech SE to support the supply chain for manufacturing of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.