VTU generates sales growth of 20 percent and expands in Central Europe
The international VTU Group looks back on a strong sales year in 2021 and intends to continue this development at five newly opened locations and a new subsidiary in Belgium. With the increase in sales from a total of 102 million euros in 2020 to 134 million in 2021, the growth trend of the engineering company continues.

The outstanding entrepreneurial results in the past year can be attributed to the fact that VTU continued to establish its profile as an expert and reliable partner in the planning of process plants for industry and as a general planner for major investments. "For VTU, 2021 was characterized by innovations in the life sciences sector, new technologies for more sustainability and a digitalization push in engineering. The added value of our service for our customers and partners is clearly in focus. Large and complex projects, including investments to combat the pandemic, have supported the further development of our professional competencies and resulted even in exceeding the expected annual revenue of 125 million euros," says Dr. Friedrich Fröschl, CEO of VTU Group. "In the near future, we would like to develop further to become the leading provider of digitalization solutions in our target industries and a modern driving force for more sustainability in production processes," Fröschl continues.
Site expansion: VTU expanded to Belgium
VTU's successful expansion course can also be seen in the number of locations in Europe. In recent months, VTU has established five new branches in Pinkafeld (Austria), Dresden (Germany), Winterthur and Zofingen (Switzerland), and Gdansk (Poland). In March, a subsidiary was founded in Belgium, the cornerstone for further growth in the Benelux region.
In total, the VTU Group currently has over 1,000 employees at 35 locations in seven countries.