The resilience of our planet is already being stretched to its limits, and climate change is a fact. We therefore consider it both a necessity and a duty to do our very best to bring about a change in the current situation.
The VTU Group is committed to every aspect of sustainability.
That means long-term thinking regarding the structuring of the company and a strict policy on the development and maintenance of know-how. This results in sustainable economic advantages, the resilience of the company and exceptional job security for our employees.
The larger a company is, the greater its social and environmental responsibility. We live up to this responsibility in our internal processes as well as our planning projects, in which our colleagues’ and partners’ safety, health and satisfaction take top priority alongside the ecological dimension. The guidelines we hold ourselves to include high standards in relation to both sustainability reporting (GRI) and sustainability assessments (EcoVadis, CDP).

We have the greatest influence in external projects when we are able to plan process systems together with our customers in which the consumption of energy and resources is kept as low as possible and innovative recycling technologies are applied. We achieve these goals through continuous further education and development which is based on both theoretical learning and our practical experiences with new technologies. Our “Transformation to Sustainability” expert group, for example, focuses on areas that include green chemistry and energy-saving measures in all areas of industry.
At the same time, we are also stepping up our activities in innovative projects, such as the use of hydrogen as an energy storage medium, the recycling of plastic waste and the recovery of solvents from waste streams. In this respect, we operate according to the principles of green chemistry, which means we are at the cutting edge of technology. This experience is of lasting benefit to the environment when improving existing systems or planning new ones – and therefore benefits our customers as well.
We make you more sustainable!
Although our direct impact – in the form of our ecological footprint, for example – is relatively small, we see it as our duty to minimise this impact as far as possible and to continue to reduce it in order to manage the necessary transformation.
The VTU Mission Statement, the VTU CSR Policy and the VTU Code of Conduct (CoC) serve our employees as an expression of our commitment to securing a sustainable future and as navigation tools for all our decision-making processes. The CSR policy focuses on the fields of human rights, diversity/inclusion, the fight against corruption and the handling of business partnerships, the environment, health and safety, and is considered a “guidance document”. The Code of Conduct can be considered to be a derived and definitive set of guidelines, and consists of a set of rules and requirements for appropriate managerial conduct and general conduct in day-to-day business, with the focus on covering the following areas:
- Health and safety
- Sustainability
- Legal compliance
- Human rights
- Diversity/inclusion
- Environmental protection
- Protection of the material and intellectual property of VTU
- Prevention of corruption, bribery and money laundering
The ideas and principles that we define for these fields also apply to all our other areas of our activity. They are not only aimed at the employees of VTU, our business partners and subcontractors; we also invite all other stakeholders to join us on the journey to a sustainable future.
SUSTAINABILITY COMMITMENT: With our CoC and our CSR policy, we commit to
- continuously look for ways to reduce our ecological footprint and CO2 emissions in the interests of protecting the environment
- act in an ethical and socially responsible manner which goes beyond the applicable legal requirements
- consider the relevant requirements and integrate all the stakeholders affected by our actions
- work hard to attain a sustainable development in terms of our relationships with our business partners and colleagues
By following our CoC and CSR policy in our day-to-day business, we ensure that the relationships and values we create are sustainable – true to our mission statement:
Creating sustainable values as a best-choice partner
In the event of an infringement, all of our employees are required to report such matters to their direct manager or to a dedicated internal email address or to contact the “VTU Compliance Line” anonymously.
Download: Code of Conduct
Download: Supplier Code of Conduct
Download: CSR Policy
Sustainability reporting 2023
Download: Sustainability Facts and Figures
Sustainability reporting 2022
Download: Sustainability Facts & Figures
Sustainability reporting 2021
Download: Sustainability Facts & Figures
Sustainability reporting 2020
Download: Sustainability Facts & Figures