Green engineering improves economic efficiency and sustainability
In his guest article in the CAV magazine (Chemie Produktion Anlagen Verfahren/Chemical Production Plants Processes) and on prozesstechnik online, Division Manager Operational Experts Konrad Schaefer describes how green engineering leads to greater economic efficiency and sustainability

Konrad Schaefer focuses on the importance of a systematic approach in the early planning phase of investment projects, as already implemented by VTU: The additional engineering effort resulting from a structured approach is compensated by the efficient execution of a project, and the solutions developed quickly unfold their effect in ecological and economic terms.
In his article, Konrad Schaefer presents the clear and consistent methodology that VTU has developed to take full account of the sustainability aspect from the outset and to provide suitable analysis and decision-making tools for each planning phase. He also emphasizes on the importance of digitalization, including data acquisition and evaluation via process control and learning systems.